I love your specific request, it's a big help looking at the article. Usually I look at the advice in the comments here before reading the article, but this time I dove straight into the article.
I'm 100% with Mary here. Make it personal, make it emotional.
You are on the right lines with: "In practical terms, what does that mean? It means mothers go back to work before their minds and bodies are ready. "
But what does that mean in the life of the individual? Readers relate to stories.
I would also suggest subheadings as a way to guide the reader through. A powerful way to pull the reader through the article is to reverse number your points, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
Also, as it's a listicle, be loud and proud of that in the headline! Listicles are great for getting clicks.
5 Practical Ways to Make a New Mom's Day