The Dinosaur With 500 Teeth You’ve Probably Never Heard of

It’s a Nigersaurus (pronounced nee-ZHER-sore-us)

David Majister
4 min readJan 7, 2021
Nigersaurus model. Photo by Matt Martyniuk on Wikimedia / Creative Commons

I memorized a lot of dinosaur names as a kid. Like most six-year-olds, I loved dinosaurs. They were my favorite thing to learn about at school. But I’d never heard of the dinosaur with 500 teeth.

That’s because the dinosaur with 500 teeth didn’t even have a name when I was at elementary school. In fact, it was only discovered a few years before I was born.

My favorite dinosaur was the diplodocus because we were told it was the longest dinosaur of all. Plus I wanted to be different from all the other kids, who loved the T-Rex.

Maybe if I’d have known about the dinosaur with 500 teeth, that would have been my favorite.

What’s more, it would have blown my little six-year-old mind to have known there were still dinosaurs being discovered, and dinosaurs without names. I assumed that adults already knew everything there was to be known about dinosaurs.

The dinosaur with 500 teeth didn’t even get a name until 1999. So who is this dinosaur?

What is the dinosaur with 500 teeth?

The dinosaur with 500 teeth is the Nigersaurus (pronounced nee-ZHER-sore-us).



David Majister

10x top writer. World traveler (26 countries). Runner (1k+ miles). Meditator (9.5k minutes). Introvert. Wild swimmer. Story maker.